
The new Challenge, the new Life!
It’s close to the end of 2014, also a good timing to review what we have done and are planning to do for the upcoming year. Actually it’s a big change for me this year, since I decided starting my own business from July 2014, a wish that I am waiting for years. It may sounds weird, but it’s happened all the time no matter hundred years ago or today.
People push themselves out of the comfortable zone to pursue the goal in their mind, it may not be easy to be understood by the others if they are not in this stage, but sooner or later it’s the way we have to go.
We do hope we have the guts to do the decision to move forward and the luck to reach the goal we have, not just wait and complaint. It’s great I am here and with the full speed for the 2015.🚀
What you are planning to do? what you are dreaming every year? Action and just do it NOW, my friend! The new year is approaching in a few hours, I would like to wish you the success of 2015 and all the best for you and your family.😊